Monday, July 23, 2012

Another EP? by Attaboy Skip

Attaboy Skip was a ska-punk band from Las Vegas, Nevada. I don't really know much about the background of this band as the internet seems to have forgotten about them. They were together at least by 1996 but possible before. I'm also not sure exactly when they broke up either, but many of the members have gone on to other bands. Most notably the drummer Ronnie has gone on to have a successful career with The Killers. This album was released in 1996, they also have another EP titled Size 8 that was released in 1996 and if anyone has any idea as to where one could obtain a copy I would greatly appreciate it! Stand out tracks for me are Frontline a song about not caring if the crowd at the show will like them and Ghostbusters because who the hell wouldn't want to listen to a ska punk cover of that song?

Attaboy Skip is:
Bronson Mack on Vocals
Jamal Taylor on Manually Operated Pitch Approximator (Trombone joke)
Justin Vaden on Saxophone
Lenny Buttittaa on Trumpet
Loren Jolley on Bass
Ronnie Vannucci on Drums
Shay Mehrdad on Rhythm Guitar
Ted Sablay on Lead Guitar

Track listing:
1. Frontline
2. Protecta
3. A.B.S.
4. Nine Seven Six
5. Oceanside Putt-Putt
6. Ghostbusters
20. Untitled

Note: Most sites list track 7 as being just a few seconds which is in fact the case on the cd the actual untitled track however is much longer and at track 20. I have left out the tracks in between as they are simple blank filler tracks.


Extra Side Note: Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days. I've been having internet issues as of late and will do my best to get back on track!

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